Our 2015 European Adventure

Saturday, 6.20.2015

First thing in the morning we packed up our suitcases and then walked to the train station to buy our tickets to St Jean de Losne and confirm our departure time (11:39 a.m.). Then we had another day of café crème, the best and freshest croissant of our trip, bread, butter, jam and fresh orange juice at a café near the Hotel Dieu.

We checked out of our hotel and dragged our suitcases to the train station. While waiting for our train to Dijon we saw the 11:29 a.m. train delayed fifteen minutes, then it flew by us without stopped just before the 11:39 a.m. train arrived to pick up everyone for both times. Standing room only be had a nice chat with a New Zealand wine maker who was biking around Burgundy. He gave me a guided tour of all the great vineyards as we went by on the way to Dijon.

We made our connection in Dijon and arrived at 1:04 p.m. in St Jean de Losne in the middle of nowhere (for real). I called a taxi from the sign at the station and shared a ride with Tim and Debbie from South Africa. They were also headed to Le Boat and it was their third trip with the company (first in Burgundy). We figured that was a good recommendation.

On the way to the base we passed Dee and Tamra walking so we signed in at the base and then walked back to meet them half way.

Once our paperwork was done I went to the boat to await my training and Lynn, Tamra and Dee headed to the grocery store for provisions. Eventually two trainers showed me around the boat and we were ready for a test ride just as the shoppers arrived. A quick tour of the marina with me at the helm and we were blessed to depart.

So, we dumped the trainers back on the dock and pulled out of the marina at 4:30 p.m. (a bit ahead of the anticipated 6:00 p.m. published time). Step #1, a sparkling Vouvray toast before the first lock just north of Seurre, then another “unexpected” lock at Ecuelles. We did get the boat turned sideways in that lock but we recovered.

At PK 173.5 we pulled over to the side of the river Saone, tied the bow to a tree and drove a stake in the side to tie the stern and fired up the barbeque. We grilled some pork chops but couldn’t figure out how to work the stove (tomorrow’s task). Drank a two euro bottle of red, updated my journal and fought with various bugs and mosquitos.

Around 10:00 p.m. it was time for bed and prayers for Sunday coffee.